I have things to write about, but time goes by and I forget or they become less important, and when the deed is before me, I just want to get it out and over with, so here goes.
Trying to “go big” this week. For me, for now, that means 70ish. Might not make it, been at high 50s last couple of weeks which feels like nothing, but that extra 10-12 miles a week is tough on the body/mind/marriage. Did have a nice 38 minute 6-mile pace run last week, and a tough as nails 2/1 10 mile fartlek in a brutal 40mph wind last Friday. Mile repeats this week, managed 5 of ’em, from 6:00 down to 5:35. Not real pleased with the workout, never felt fluid, was fighting it the whole way.
Had a bad experience at a “Christian” store before Christmas. The cashier was “God Bless”ing customers left and right … until I approached and declined to sign up for their mailing list. That got me a glare and a terse “goodbye”. For some reason it was really hurtful, like this lady was refusing to cast her pearls before swine, just another reminder of my woeful people skills. Later, my 8-soon-to-be-9-year-old was lamenting something similar, how his friends always think he means one thing when he says another, and it made me sad as I told him I’ve dealt with that my whole life, that most often I just keep my mouth shut for fear of saying the wrong thing. Usually it’s not the wrong thing, just in the wrong tone.
On the long run last Saturday I let slip my far-off goal: 248 to 2:48. At one point about 5 years ago I used to weigh 248 pounds (probably more, I was too scared to get on a scale). Now my goal is to run a 2:48 marathon. Not in Boston this year, but eventually. Then comes the self-help book … “248 to 2:48: From Fatass to Fastass”.
Goals? You mean resolutions? Sure:
Sub-17 minute 5k
2:50 in Boston
To care less what other people think
To care more about other people
There it is, out there.