Not to put too fine a point on it, but that last post … the Boston Marathon Race Report … sucked big Boston clam balls. Besides being boring, bland and banal, it was full of ingratitude. I complained for half a paragraph about my freaking gloves for great diety’s sake! Good grief, it was the Boston Marathon and I had a great time, but it didn’t sound like it from my race report. What a wanker.
I’m grateful for my training partners, my coach, my friends and family who support my running. I’m grateful that I’m able to run and that I’m able to run the Boston Marathon. Hopefully in the future I will run the race with more grace and reflect on it with more soul.
As for this time, I ran what I ran and if I didn’t meet my goal, it is my own damn fault. But I ran my best on that day, and the splits don’t lie. Training through the winter was fun, the trip was fantastic and the race was a great experience. I’m grateful for all of it. Oh, and 2:56:20 is pretty damn good.