Good thing we did Wilke today to offset at least a bit of the gluttony. Hallow33n is a big deal at my place of employment, which is odd if you know where I work. Lots of costumes and decorations and most of the organization does no work for a couple of days. Also, pertinent to my narcissism, there is usually loads of food. Just for grins and blog-filler, let’s review what I’ve eaten so far today. It’s not even trick-or-treat time and I’ve already stuffed my piehole with a doughnut, brownies, chocolate cake, brisket, pork, potato salad, cole slaw, popcorn, sausage balls, chicken wings, and chips and dip. I threw in a banana and a salad for balance, and passed on the quiche, cookies, cupcakes and candy.
I’m still kind of hungry. Trick-or-treat?
[UPDATE]Well, toss in a cupcake, some candy, a cookie and two slices of pizza and call it a day. Let’s see …. square root of pi …. carry the one …. that’s about 15,000 calories and 2300 grams of fat. Not my worst day.[/UPDATE]