Texas just lost. Need to update this web-based logging journal (what do the kids call it?), so will be quick and lame. Ran 9.25 miles this morning with Pat and Andre. Longest “long” run I’ve done since 3M Half back in January. I think the time was around 1:15, but not sure. Started at Robert E. Lee and did the dam loop. First few miles were really slow, too slow I thought (over 9/mi), but that’s Andre for you. Heh. Last couple weren’t bad. 7 to 7:20 range I would guess. I was hurting a little bit after gorging the night before at a dinner party. Three of my friends have birthdays this week and mine is in a couple of weeks. All that chocolate, beer, and charred flesh bobbed in my intestines all the way around the trail. At any rate, my boys had 2 soccer games this morning, and when I heard the clocktower chime 8 bells and I was still only on the first street bridge, I hightailed it back to Robert E. Lee. It felt good to do more than the usual 7-8 miles. Maybe we’ll knock it up to 10 for the fall?
On Thursday we did 400s at Austin High. The workout where we do sets of five 400s, decreasing by 2 seconds on each set, with one minute rest in between each lap. I did 3 sets, wanted to do 4 (I’m always wanting to do more these days), but time and running company were issues. First set was 1.36-1.27 range, second was 1.22s, third was 1.20s. Ran with the normal group for that first set, but it didn’t feel right, it was big and uneven, so I moved myself up to the next fastest group. They were right on pace every lap and it felt good, though I was probably on the high end of my threshold, while the other guys were in the middle or the low end. It’s healthy to push oneself. I’ve grown (too?) comfortable with most of my workouts.
Other thoughts: Work has been crazy. Our public school system is disappointing. I like my friends. Greg Davis …. grrrrrrr.
More Knob, please. I like it when you are high-larious.
i really feel like you’re baiting me to make a snotty comment. but i’m not gonna. it’s bad enough that i’m even reading this stuff.