Playing around with Ruby, Rails, RefineryCMS…
anything installed?
~ $ which ruby
nope, ok…
~ $ sudo apt-get install ruby
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libreadline5 libruby1.8 ruby ruby1.8
hmm, ruby 1.8? let’s try to get the current version, 1.9.2
just for grins…
~ $ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.2-full
nothing. hmmm, suggests we use rvm (whatever that is) and so do random interneteers linked to
hmm, wants me to download and run a shell script i think
but we need curl to do that
~ $ sudo apt-get install curl
now we can view the install script and see exactly what it does …
~ $ curl
it also needs git, so make sure git installed, yep but if not, you have to apt-get install git-core (not “git” like you would think)
~ $ which git
now we can install rvm … i think
~ $ bash < <( curl )
make sure rvm installed correctly
~ $ type rvm | head -1
it’s installed but it doesn’t do anything
~ $ rvm
a bunch of text scrolled by really fast when it installed, better go back and read it…
ah, rvm post-install instructions tell us to close current shell and open a new one…
and that we need to add something to our bash profile…
and that we also need to install the following in order to install ruby…
good grief…
~ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential bison openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev
now we can install ruby version 1.9.2
~ $ rvm install 1.9.2
tell rvm to use the ruby we just installed
~ $ rvm use 1.9.2
check we are using the ruby version we just installed
~ $ ruby -v
~ $ which ruby
eh, make this version of ruby the default whenever we invoke ruby in a shell
~ $ rvm –default use 1.9.2
install rails!
~ $ gem install rails -v 3.0.4
here’s where it gets confusing ;) not sure when to create the gemset
~ $ rvm gemset create refinery
‘refinery’ gemset created (/home/dv/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@refinery).
~ $ cd dev
~/dev $ mkdir refinery-demo
~/dev $ cd refinery-demo/
create .rvmc file that recommends
~/dev/refinery-demo $ echo ‘rvm use –create ruby-1.9.2-p180@refinery’ > .rvmrc
but now we have to install a gem … maybe should have created that gemset after this command?
~/dev/refinery-demo $ gem install refinerycms
23 gems installed
hmm, ok, lets delete that gemset we created earlier…
~/dev/refinery-demo $ rvm gemset delete refinery
…and recreate it now that we installed the refinerycms gem
~/dev/refinery-demo $ rvm gemset create refinery
now generate our refinery rails demo app
~/dev/refinery-demo $ refinerycms rickrockstar
Running: /home/dv/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby -S rails new “/home/dv/dev/refinery-demo/rickrockstar” –database sqlite3 –skip-test-unit –skip-prototype
Refinery successfully installed in ‘/home/dv/dev/refinery-demo/rickrockstar’!Installing gem requirements using bundler..
Using rails (3.0.4)
Now you can launch your webserver using:cd /home/dv/dev/refinery-demo/rickrockstar
rails server
ok, it says we’re ready to rickroll!
but what’s this scary warning? “not yet trusted”?
~/dev/refinery-demo $ cd rickrockstar
= RVM has encountered a not yet trusted .rvmrc file in the =
= current working directory which may contain nasty code. =
= =
= Examine the contents of this file to be sure the contents =
= are good before trusting it! =
= =
= Press ‘q’ to exit the reader when finished reading the file =
===============================================================(press enter to continue when ready)
Examining /home/dv/dev/refinery-demo/.rvmrc complete.
= Trusting an .rvmrc file means that whenever you cd into the =
= directory RVM will execute this .rvmrc script in your shell =
= =
= Now that you have examined the contents of the file, do you =
= wish to trust this .rvmrc from now on? =
================================================================(yes or no) > yes
Using /home/dv/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180 with gemset refinery
now lets try to start up rails … WTF, not installed?
~/dev/refinery-demo/rickrockstar $ rails server
The program ‘rails’ is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install rails
double check some stuff…
~/dev/refinery-demo/rickrockstar $ which ruby
~/dev/refinery-demo/rickrockstar $ rvm info
ok, maybe this gemset stuff is confused? lets get out of this ‘refinery’ gemset somehow
get rid of that .rvmrc file…
~/dev/refinery-demo $ mv .rvmrc dotrvmrc
delete the gemset…
~/dev/refinery-demo $ rvm gemset delete refinery
… and try rails again … yes, it’s there
~/dev/refinery-demo $ which rails
try to start up the server again… Success!
~/dev/refinery-demo $ cd rickrockstar/
~/dev/refinery-demo $ rails server
=> Booting WEBrick
That was easy.