Missed the long run yesterday morning. It was Jessica’s turn to partake, so I slept in (yay!) and went for a bike ride later in the morning. About the bike … I almost never get passed when riding, but yesterday I was doing about 27mph on Southwest Parkway and this dude flew by me like I was a hamster spinning his wheel. Turned out to be a tough ride too, longish for me, and I was wiped out for the rest of the day, and hungry hungry hungry all day long. Was sooo looking forward to the grub at the Gazelles party and lo, there were no yummy desserts! I’m no cheesecake fan. Nice party nonetheless, and thanks to the gracious hosts.
Missed my 6:30 wakeup and makeup run this morning. What’s the point I thought in my sleep? I’ll just do it later. And I did. But I knew I would wuss out and do a crappy run, which is how it played out. 6.5 miles around the ‘hood in 53:30. Weak. Odd that running is a solitary endeavor, but is so much easier and more enjoyable in a group setting. I just can’t run fast or far by myself. Maybe it’s a mental thing. Obviously. Anyway, I was still hurting from the bike ride and it’s plain no fun to pound the pavement alone. Unless, I guess, you’re one of those “running as spirituality” wierdos.
Other thoughts: I saw a Gazelle in the grocery store today. We just eyed each other and acknowleged nothing. Supersecret societies rock.