Jessica said, “you could have done two more”. I don’t know. Perhaps I’m a dud. Although I did run 18 400s last night, I’m disappointed I didn’t run 20. Worthless and weak. And to add injury to insult, I cramped up pretty badly later at home when i tried to take my sock off. Ouch.
So anyway, it was the “400s in sets of five, minute rest, decreasing by two seconds between sets” workout. Only Fletch F. Fletch managed 20 (what a hero!), a couple other guys did 17 and most did 15. Again, I’m down on myself for not gutting it out, but I was hosed. I plumb hit a wall, hard, on that 17th repeat, and am suprised that I managed to stay erect on #18. I’ve never “quit” like that before. Ugh.
Here are my previous numbers from September and June. And this time? Farther and faster (on average), though strangely deficient-ier.
Set 1: 1.24, 1.26, 1.26, 1.25, 1.25 = 1.25 avg
Set 2: 1.24, 1.20, 1.21, 1.24, 1.20 = 1.22 avg
Set 3: 1.19, 1.19, 1.19, 1.20,,1.21 = 1.20 avg
Set 4: 1.19, 1.22, 1.19, :(, :-( = less than zero
It’s a shame to have such a good workout ruined at the end by feebleness of heart, mind and body.
Tuesday was circuit. I took Wednesday off because I was still feeling the effects of two straight Saturday MB runs.
Nobody knows anything.
you need to see a doctor about staying erect through 18. Might want to cut back on the doseage.
Cramping up while taking off a sock is a good indication that your body was done for the night. Congrats on listening. Of course you could have done 2 more, but training isn’t always about doing more, it’s also about learning when to back off. Those last two might have given you a significant injury due to overstressing your legs etc.
Trust me, if you could have done two more, I would have given you crap for it. You looked done. But for most of the night you looked great running with a group you initially claimed was too fast for you. Way to take it to next level :-)