Guess I’ve been quiet for a while, probably due to some guy making fun of me. Anyway, when we left off I was searching for a training log method I liked and would use. Well, the only further step I’ve taken since then was to sign up on It took all of about 20 seconds before I hated it. The interface felt like it was 1996 and I kept having to click back and re-login and basically, it sucked. So I haven’t used it since and I haven’t implemented any other logging system.
Not that I have a lot of running to log. Last Thursday was fartlek day, but it was also about 35 degrees and raining that morning. I actually woke up, got dressed and was driving out of my neighborhood in a frigid downpour when I convinced myself that it would be insane to run in those conditions. I wonder, did anybody actually show up that morning? I ended up going to the afternoon class which was a nice change. It was still frigid, especially with the wind, and only about 10 people were there. Ran the warm-up with Noel, Duane, Lawton and a few others, then on the North side of the trail Duane and I picked it up after a few intervals (one minute on and one minute off this day) and ran the rest by ourselves. Ended up doing 51:30 for the 7 miles, ending the intervals at about the 3/4 mile marker. It all worked out to about a 15 minute warm-up, 30 minute fartlek and 6:30 cool down. It was a good run all around. I was in comfortable intensity most of the way and towards the end Duane and I pushed each other pretty well.
Saturday went back to the usual 7 mile dam loop on the trail for our long run. I did an extra mile so it ended up around 8.2 total in about 64 minutes I think. Ran the first warm-up mile in a super-slow 9.10 or so and the last mile in 6.03. That last mile was interesting. At the half-mile marker I was at 2.57 and so of course I wanted to come in under 6. At some point I ran by a Rogue pod or an Austin Fit formation and the lead waddler yelled, “Speed kills!” and I thought I heard another penguin say “Slow down!”. I guess they were kidding, but it threw me for a split second and that’s the excuse I’m going to use to explain not running that last mile under 6.
I didn’t do anything Sunday or Monday (other than do disaster recovery at work all day Monday). Tuesday (hey, that would be yesterday!) was circuit. Pat and I ran the long way to AHS as pennance for slacking since Saturday. Had time to fit in 3 circuits doing 800m between each one. Usual core type work, then I ran the long way back as well. All told maybe 7 miles and some sore calves, back and quads.
Just today at lunch I sloughed off 3 miles in about 22 minutes.
Beyond all that day-to-day stuff, I can’t decide what I’m going to do. Status quo, i.e. no races? Half-marathon? If so, which one, 3M or ATT? Pick out a couple 5Ks (besides the Trail of Lights which I’m running but not racing)? And what about long-term? Part of me misses the triathlon training and looks forward to racing those again this summer. Another part wants to try something else, maybe focus on the distance challenge and/or a (gasp! shudder!) Marathon next fall/winter. I’d also like to do a century bike ride. Maybe I can fit it all in.
I don’t know, but I think I need a goal whatever it is. I’m sort of going through the motions right now, and while I like those motions (Gazelle workouts, Saturday runs, etc.), I’m not advancing like I was this summer and early fall. Maybe I just need to be ok with that….
Yeah, I’m ok with that.
Hey, where did the cats go for their class field trip? To the meeww-seum!
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